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Open Positions

Member and Alternate Member Board of Zoning Appeals
Member for the Zoning Commission

The Bath Township Trustees have openings for a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals and alternate members on both the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Each Commission is made up of 5 members, and up to 2 alternate members, all of whom must reside in the unincorporated area of Bath Township, Greene County, Ohio. Members may only serve on one board at a time.

The boards meet separately, usually no more than once per month in the evenings, at a time and date which is convenient for all the board members. The duration of the meetings is generally 30 minutes to an hour. If there is no case, the board does not meet. The term is 5 years.

A ZC (Zoning Commission) member votes on changes to the land use map – (a lot split or a change in zoning from business to residential).  There were two Zoning Commission cases in 2024.

A BZA (Board of Zoning Appeals) member decides zoning cases that are exceptions to the current zoning resolutions (ie – smaller lot frontage or larger accessory building than what is allowing in our current zoning).  There were 6 Board of Zoning Appeals cases in 2024.

Alternates serve and vote in the absence of another member of the board, so that a quorum can be reached.  If, at any point in time, an opening becomes available on the alternate’s corresponding board, they may apply to fill the vacated seat for the remained of the unexpired term.   

The full scope of duties and responsibilities are covered in the Bath Township Zoning Resolution, Article 9, Section 902 and 903.

If you are interested, please reach out to the township administrator via email or phone (937) 878-0611.

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